GA (Gord) Grisenthwaite

Phone: 519-325-8504

Gord is nłeʔkepmx, a member of the Lytton First Nation, and has earned an MA in English Literature & Creative Writing at the University of Windsor (2020). His second book, Tales for Late Night Bonfires was released September, 2023 and his first, Home Waltz, was a finalist for the 2021 Governor General's Award for fiction.

His work has appeared in Prairie Fire, FreeFall, Exile Quarterly, The Antigonish Review, Our Stories Literary Journal, Prism International, ndnCountry, Offset 17, Bawaajigan: Stories of Power, and Food of My People. His work has earned a number of prizes, including the 2013 John Kenneth Galbraith Literary Award.

Community affiliation: First Nations

Languages: English

Roles and Services: Author / Writer, Structural / Substantive editor

Cultural roles and services: Storyteller

Other fields of interest / expertise: Design; Digital publications, Design; Graphic design, Design; E-book / EPUB, Design; Typography, Design; Web design, Education; Adult / Continuing education, Education; Post-secondary



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